
wa lao

I predict that I will get 3.00 MSG or more....... sad face :-(



YAY! I just finished reading all three books in the Icemark chronicles series! It was really very interesting. You can find them in the national library. The first book's name is "The cry of Icemark". The second one is" The blade of fire" and the third is "Last Battle of the Icemark".

ai, test,test,and test

Finished the history test today. Maybe can get A1(hihi). Only a math test is left untested. Finally can rest a bit. A BIT!!!


Home Learning 25 - 26 May 2010

The peom I choose is "Children in the Darkness"
(just a bit of background infomation)
The war poet wrote this piece of poem when he was sitting in my hotel room in Saigon just before Christmas 2009.
He was actually going to write a poem about the girls who work in the park and how badly men treat them.
Although he was angry, he could not write anything that did not sound trite or weak. Then, he looked at the TV and the news was on.
He did not know what the news reader was saying but in the background was a photo of a small boy with a helmet and an automatic rifle.
The poem flowed out.
This poem writes about little kids who were forced to fight as most men in the country has died. The conflict is that the little children are supposed to be in school and study but instead, they are carrying guns and fighting battles.


e-learning Which character do I want to be friends with

I would like to be friends with Jem as he is courageous. His reaction is quick and he dares to know the unknown. He became very wise at the later part of the novel and less childish. I would like to be friends with him as he has integrity and outs himself at the last.


Home learning homework Poem of life in Maycomb

You wake up in the morning and see the sun.
You went to the table but there was no bun.
You swallow the bread with milk and cheese,
And find out that it is school time you won’t miss

You walk along the road with your bag or books
You sing a happy song with a bird or goose.
You sit in class and wait for the bell
You saw your classmate not feeling well

“What is wrong?” you ask him caringly
“I have an ache!” he said painfully
“Are you eating it?” you ask puzzled
“It is an stomach ache!” he answer angered

Class is boring, you make a sigh
Unlike your classmate who is so high
When class is over, you feel so light
You ran around, joined in a fight

You play with your friends roll down a slope
You meet some people which you cannot cope
You picked up on them throw them some ice
And then they let you pick up a swollen eye

It is night, you want
Although you know, you can’t
The day is over you meet your friends
And then the dare, always grand


I am in a bad mood. Very bad . Super bad . Extra bad. I only got a C5 for maths and a B3 for HC. I feel that I will be failing my second maths test as I had some problems with my quadratic equations and algebra. My IS really sucks. Getting an A2 surprised me but the thought of the chances getting 4+ MSG sent a shiver down my spine. I will have to work hard for term 2!!